Orzan, Eva
Preferred name
Orzan, Eva
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID
Research Output
Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
- PublicationShort report on the effects of SARS-CoV-2 face protective equipment on verbal communication
; ;Chermaz C. ;Castro Veronica ;Zaninoni Mattia; ; - PublicationPendred syndrome, or not pendred syndrome? That is the question
;Tesolin Paola ;Fiorino Sofia; ; ; ;Ammar Lydie ;Castro Veronica; ; ;Dell¿orco Daniele; - PublicationReliability of parental assessment of auditory skills in young children: a cross-sectional study in Italian language
; ;Battelino Saba ;Ciciriello Elena ;Bonifacio Serena ;Pellizzoni Sandra; - PublicationModeling Postnatal Hearing Case Finding Within the Italian National Health System
; ;Pizzamiglio Giulia; ; ; ;Torelli LucioFeresin Agnese - PublicationEffects of Intraoperative Auditory Stimulation on Pain and Agitation on Awakening after Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy
; ; ;Bossini Benedetta ;Lezcano Cecilia; ; - PublicationThe Influence of Hearing Impairment on Mental Age in Down Syndrome
; ; ;Pizzamiglio Giulia ;Bianco Elena ;Bressan Sara ;Feresin Agnese; ; ; - PublicationCorrelation of cochlear aperture stenosis with cochlear nerve deficiency in congenital unilateral hearing loss and prognostic relevance for cochlear implantation
; ;Pizzamiglio Giulia ;Gregori Massimo; ;Torelli Lucio