Barbi, Egidio
Preferred name
Barbi, Egidio
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID
Research Output
Now showing 1 - 10 of 15
- PublicationAdolescents¿ pain and distress during peripheral intravenous cannulation in a paediatric emergency setting
; ;Cognigni M. ;Busatto R. ;Grigoletto V.; ;Conte Mariasole - PublicationPain Intensity and Risk of Bone Fracture in Children with Minor Extremity Injuries
; ; ; ; ;Giorgi Rita; ;Norbedo Stefania ;Liccari G.; ; - PublicationFifteen-Years Follow-Up in a Cohort of Children with Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Prevalence and Risk Factors to Develop Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Other Comorbidities
; ;Pintaldi Stefano; ; ;Zamagni Giulia ;Viel Marialuisa; ; - PublicationHow to recognize and manage psychosomatic pain in the pediatric emergency department
; ;Lucarelli Annunziata ;Borrometi Fabio ;Corsini Ilaria ;Passone Eva ;Pusceddu Sara ;Morabito Giuliana; ;Benini Franca - PublicationMental health problems in children admitted with physical symptoms
;Morabito Giuliana; ;Ghirardo Sergio; ; ;Ventura Alessandro - PublicationNeed for pharmacological analgesia after cast immobilisation in children with bone fractures: an observational cross-sectional study
; ;Cortellazzo Wiel Luisa ;Bassi Anna; ;Dibello D. ;Rozzo Marco ;Di Carlo Valentina ;Genovese Maria Rita Lucia - PublicationIs the use of alternative therapy in children just another form of medicalisation? A prospective study
;Ventura G. ;Battistuz E. ;Posocco F. ;Cossovel F. ;Ghirardo S.; - PublicationThe first winter of social distancing improved most of the health indexes in a paediatric emergency department
; ;Francesca Blasutig ;Laura De Nardi; ; - PublicationPediatric Emergency Cases in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary-Level Emergency Setting
; ;Idoya Molina Ruiz ;Fabiola Giudici ;Sara Romano ;Veronica Grigoletto; - PublicationSpread of Respiratory Pathogens During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Children in the Northeast of Italy
; ;Zamagni Giulia; ;Davide Tonegutto; ;Chiara Oretti ;Andrea De Manzini; ; ;