Badina, Laura
Preferred name
Badina, Laura
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID
Research Output
Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
- PublicationA young asymptomatic soccer player with a `chaise long¿ spirogram
;Trombetta Andrea ;Prisco Antonio; ; ; ; - PublicationOmalizumab effectiveness in patients with a previously failed oral immunotherapy for severe milk allergy
; ;Belluzzi B. ;Contorno S. ;Bossini B. ;Benelli E.; ; - PublicationEarly introduction oral immunotherapy for IgE-mediated cow's milk allergy: A follow-up study confirms this approach as safe and appealing to parents
; ;Levantino Laura ;Carrato Valentina ;Peruch Giulia; ; ; Longo Giorgio - PublicationCeliac Disease Frequency Is Increased in IgE-Mediated Food Allergy and Could Affect Allergy Severity and Resolution
; ; ; ;Andrade Stefanny ;ZIBERNA FABIANA ;Bartolomea Gaita; ; ; ; - PublicationLife-threatening anaphylaxis in children with cow's milk allergy during oral immunotherapy and after treatment failure
; ;Francesca Burlo ;Beatrice Belluzzi ;Sara Babich; - PublicationRisk factors for discontinuing oral immunotherapy in children with persistent cow milk allergy
;Elisa Benelli ;Andrea Trombetta; ;Stefanny Andrade ;Zamagni Giulia ;Antonio Prisco ;Eugenio Traini; - PublicationCardio-pulmonary function among children with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 infection needing certification for return-to-play
;Chicco Daniela ;Francesco Rispoli ;Laura De Nardi ;Sara Romano ;Michele Mazzolai; ;Irena Tavcar ;Gilberto Cattarini; ;